Welcome welcome.

👋🏻 Ahoy - Jake here.

Currently navigating life, trying to figure out how to make the most of the time I’ve got and be a better person by improving by 1% every day.

I’ll be sharing weekly emails all about:

  • Self-improvement, productivity, books, happiness, lifestyle design and tech.

And in my weekly email/blog/newsletter/what-have-you, you’ll find:

  • A nice short bit of writing about anything and everything 🖊

  • Something cool I’ve learned 💭

  • A recommendation (books, TV, Youtube) 👀

  • A quote I’ve read somewhere (non-pretentious guarantee™) 🙅🏻‍♂️

  • And maybe more


Look out for me on:

🐦 Twitter - The closest thing to a stream of conciousness you’ll get from me

📸 Instagram - Anything and everything from life

📽 YouTube - To see what I’m talking about

📚 Goodreads - To find out what I’m reading

🌎 jakewharmby.com - (taken a back seat for now)

Subscribe to 🚶🏻 Weekly Wharmby

1% better every day 💪🏻


Working to be 1% better everyday. 💪🏻